Ed Rezabek
Ed Rezabek rezy@iowatelecom.net
At Kennedy, I was the player/ coach of the tennis team. After graduation, I taught high school, and junior high science for 35+ years. During that time, I became very active in Science Fairs. Several of my students advanced to International Science Fairs. I was inducted into the Science Fair Hall of Fame, was twice selected as a finalist for the Presidential Science Teacher award and was chosen for the Pella Technology award. I also coached various sports and taught part time for the University of Iowa. My wife Mary and I have been married for 50 years and have three children and seven grandchildren. Since retirement we have travelled throughout the US, attending many Nebraska Bowl games and do volunteer work. I enjoy golfing, fishing, rooting for the Huskers, and spending time at our cabin on Lake Blackhawk. During the winter we spend part of the time at Surfside Beach, Texas.