Prof. Richard Hansen 1929 - 1991

Richard H. Hansen 1929-1991      Hansen was an Instructor of Political Science at JFK. He taught courses in Constitutional Law and The Presidency. As an author-lawyer he was involved in drafting the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, dealing with presidential succession. Hansen had addressed this issue in his 1962 book, "The Year We Had No President". It documented the periods of American history when a President was too ill to carry out his duties. As a professor at JFK he took his students to both the Truman and Eisenhower President libraries. In the fall of 1969 under his guidance students placed a memorial wreath on the grave of recently buried President Dwight Eisenhower on behalf of the students of John F. Kennedy College. Hansen was an active attorney in Lincoln. Richard Hansen died in Lincoln on January 4, 1991